Unified Planning Work Program
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is the tool used by regional planning agencies to direct continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning efforts. RTC’s UPWP is developed in coordination with Washington State Department of Transportation, C-TRAN and local jurisdictions.
The UPWP focuses on transportation planning tasks that are priorities for federal and state transportation agencies as well as local jurisdictions (23 CFR, §450.308). The tasks identified in the UPWP are consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan goals and objectives. The development and implementation of the UPWP is one of several transportation planning requirements that must be fulfilled in order for regional transportation projects to be eligible for federal funding.
The UPWP is prepared annually by RTC serving as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Clark County and RTPO for Clark County, Skamania County and Klickitat County. The UPWP is developed annually through RTAC, is reviewed by FHWA, FTA, and WSDOT (Headquarters and Southwest Region) officials. Because Clark County is part of a bi-state region, the UPWP must be developed in coordination with Metro to satisfy federal requirements.
Revenue sources to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process are documented in the UPWP with local funds and state funds used to provide required match for federal funds.
The draft SFY 2025 UPWP covering the period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025 outlines federal and state planning requirements, then presents a work program of planning activities for SFY 2025 that address the requirements and regional priorities. The work activities are organized in three work elements:
- Regional Transportation Planning Program
- Data Management, Travel Forecasting and Technical Services
- Transportation Program Coordination and Management
UPWP Amendments
As staff availability fluctuates and regional priorities change, it may become necessary to amend the UPWP. As necessary, the UPWP is kept current during the course of the fiscal year by UPWP amendments carried through an RTC Board resolution adoption process.
March 4, 2024 Amendment - RTC Board approved Resolution 03-24-06 to amend the SFY 2024 unified Planning Work program to add $138,000 in funding provided through WSDOT for RTC to work on the Vehicle Miles Traveled Target Setting Study. The Study will evaluate the impacts and outcomes of regional strategies and policies to reduce per capita VMT using VisionEval as a tool. The results will provide RTC and regional partners with a broad understanding of GHG and VMT reduction strategies, including their effectiveness in helping the region support the state to reach its climate goals. The kick off for this project is Fall 2024.